Connect New Gen is the central point of inspiration, insight, and impact.

Inspiration: This is the mental stimulation that drives creativity or action, often sparked by powerful insights, admiration, or experiences.

Insight: Insight is the ability to gain a clear and deep understanding of a situation or problem, often arriving suddenly and enabling one to grasp the essentials quickly and profoundly.

Impact: Impact refers to the significant effect or influence that something has on a person, situation, or environment, often leading to notable changes or results.

We pride ourselves on our ability to transform individuals from less favourable backgrounds into those who create favourable outcomes for others. We are a collective of minds that once were confused but now think clearly.

What is our clear thought? It's the belief that a generation can emerge where "Young people can love God and be extremely prosperous" - PT.

That's the thought, and our mission is to turn this thought into reality through inspiration, insight, and impact. We practice results-based leadership, and the first result we aim for is a changed mindset towards greatness. This is what we strive to achieve first and foremost, and it's a goal we have been successfully meeting, as evidenced by the active participation of our members.

This is CNG.

The Letter to All CNG members, 

Before I begin speaking to you, I want you to know who I am. 

I am Pastor Terry Clerk. I grew up all around the inner city of London and around England. I didn’t have a fixed location, I didn’t have a stable childhood, I didn’t have a father figure, I didn’t have a desire to be great. The formative years comprise of moments. Moments that I am pleased of and moments I do not find pleasure in. However, the sole, greatest moment of them all was the discovery of who I am. 

The most obvious question that you’re asking is “Who did he discover who he is?”

The answer: A Leader.

What was the model of inspiration?

Pastor Tobi Adegboyega. A father figure. A formidable leader, a man with the same story I had which is disadvantage, however, through discovery came the advantages he would be known for. Pastor Tobi, in his natural fashion raised a particular leader, that individual is called Pastor Sam, formerly: Pastor Samuel Akokhia. Pastor Sam, met Pastor Tobi at the age of 20. Prior to his encounter he had just been released from Prison. He went to Prison at the tender age of 17 and served a sentence of 3 years and 9 months for Armed Robbery.

Through his leadership, mentorship and training Pastor Sam has now become a formidable leader, and because of the raising of a Pastor Sam, I too have been raised.

I have been following Pastor Sam for 4 years now and have progressed through the ranks to now being appointed as the Leader of the Connect New Gen.

Our message is clear, it’s steadfast and it’s sure. “We build World Class Leaders”.

Your journey is before you, and it’s like that simply for this reason, everyday is a day to choose whether or not you want to take the next step. However, from the understanding of progress, it requires the next step to be taken. This is the next step, CNG is the next step, and we are taking it to success, step by step, there is no beginning step, there is just a choice to join and make the next step from wherever you found it. 

Take the next step, join and if you’ve already joined then I want to say to you to keep making steps, the success of CNG is whatever we make it and that making predicates on our decision to keep progressing. 

- A Message from our Lead Co-ordinator,  Pastor Terry Clerk.